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West Mercian Area Races

West Mercian Area Races

Chaddesley Corbett

8th December 2024

Most pointing fans would agree that the first December meeting at Chaddesley Corbett is one of the early season highlights and never fails to deliver competitive racing. From top class open horses looking to qualify for Cheltenham to classy youngsters seeking a six figure sales date, big fields and a healthy betting market are guaranteed.

The 2024 fixture very nearly didn’t happen as previous organisers the Wheatland decided to step away from running the point to point. Fortunately, a group of local enthusiasts chaired by former champion trainer Phil Rowley have stepped in to rescue the meeting and run it under the banner of West Mercian Area Races.

As Rowley explained “this is not just a change of committee personnel but a new initiative where every penny raised will go back into pointing as opposed to being a fund raiser for the organising body. In the current political climate this approach will increasingly be needed to help secure the future of our sport.”

Having to start from scratch with a short time frame does mean that the new team is facing a tough struggle to pull together all the elements needed in order to run a successful meeting, not least covering the considerable financial overheads. “We are reaching out to everyone who loves pointing to support us” said sponsorship secretary Lucy Allfrey. “Being a winter fixture we don’t have the luxury of putting on some of the secondary money raising attractions so we are reliant on sponsorship and the generosity of supporters to make this happen” she added.

The West Mercian Area Races team look forward to welcoming you on the 8thDecember with the first race of a minimum 6 race card at 11am

Further details will be available on West Mercian Area Web site

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